The City of Coppell
Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/11/2025 5:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2025-7948 1 Exec SessionAgenda ItemSeek legal advice from City Attorney regarding the Texas Open Meetings Act and City Council meeting procedures.   Not available Not available
2025-7935 1 WKS 3/11Agenda ItemA. Discussion regarding agenda items. B. Update from Discover Coppell campaign. C. Discussion regarding e-bike regulations. D. Report from City Council Wellness Sub-Committee. E. Presentation of Water Conservation Dashboard.   Not available Not available
2025-7937 16.NT PresentationAgenda ItemPresentation by New Tech High School Students - Water Sustainability Project.   Not available Not available
2025-7938 1A.2/25 MinutesAgenda ItemConsider approval of the Minutes: January 25, 2025 (Retreat), and February 25, 2025.   Not available Not available
2025-7926 1B.PW VEHICLE PROCUREMENT (4)Agenda ItemConsider approval to purchase four (4) Ford F250 Pickup Trucks from Sam Pack’s Ford; through BuyBoard #724-23; for replacement of existing vehicles; in the amount of $282,104.55; as provided for in the Capital Replacement Fund; and authorizing the City Manager to sign any necessary documents.   Not available Not available
2025-7927 1C.Public Works Vehicle Procurement (Toyota)Agenda ItemConsider approval to purchase one (1) Toyota Tacoma Pickup Truck from Silsbee Toyota; through TIPS #240901; for replacement of an existing vehicle, in the amount of $42,285.25; as provided for in the Capital Replacement Fund; and authorizing the City Manager to sign any necessary documents.   Not available Not available
2025-7928 1D.Toro Rotary Mower ProcurementAgenda ItemConsider approval to purchase one (1) Toro Rotary Mower from Professional Turf Products; through BuyBoard #706-23; for replacement of existing mower; in the amount of $96,383.07; as provided for in the Capital Replacement Fund; and authorizing the City Manager to sign any necessary documents.   Not available Not available
2025-7939 1E.Indoor Pool Play Feature & PlasterAgenda ItemConsider approval of a purchase for new play features and plaster resurfacing from Sunbelt Pools for the indoor pool play area at The CORE, in the amount of $107,192.00, as budgeted in the Coppell Recreation Development Corporation (CRDC) fund, with contract pricing through Buy Board Contract No 679-22; and authorizing the City Manager to sign any necessary documents.   Not available Not available
2025-7941 1F.Veterans Memorial ConstructionAgenda ItemConsider award of Bid No. Q-0125-01 to Fast General Contracting LLC. for the site portion of the Veterans Memorial project, in the amount of $715,041.67, as provided for in the Coppell Recreation Development Corporation (CRDC) assigned fund balance; and authorizing the City Manager to sign any necessary documents.   Not available Not available
2025-7942 1G.Veterans Memorial TowersAgenda ItemConsider award of a proposal to FM Constructors, LLC, for the towers portion of the Veterans Memorial project, in the amount of $1,372,396.33, as provided for in the Coppell Recreation Development Corporation (CRDC) assigned fund balance; and authorizing the City Manager to sign any necessary documents.   Not available Not available
2025-7947 1H.Master Fee ResolutionAgenda ItemConsider approval of a Resolution amending Resolution No. 010996.3, amending the Master Fee Schedule for Credit Card Fees specifically for Municipal Court transactions to 3.95%; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.   Not available Not available
2025-7931 19.Graystone ConstructionAgenda ItemPUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of PD-317R-C, a zoning change request from C (Commercial) to PD-317R-C (Planned Development 317 Revised- Commercial) to approve a new Detail Site Plan for an 1,800-sf office building on 0.23 acres of property located at 192 Southwestern Blvd., at the request of Danny Didyk, Graystone Construction, being represented by Macatee Engineering, LLC.   Not available Not available
2025-7933 110.Coppell Entertainment Plaza - Indoor PickleballAgenda ItemPUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of PD-323-HC, Coppell Entertainment Plaza, Lot 1, Block A, a zoning change request from HC (Highway Commercial) to PD-323-HC (Planned Development 323-Highway Commercial) to allow for a Detail Site Plan for a building containing five (5) pickleball courts (13,000-sf) with a speculative restaurant (2,485-sf) and retail space (2,170-sf), totaling 17,655-sf on 1.6 acres of property, located on the north side of State Highway 121, approximately 940 feet west of N Denton Tap Road, being developed by Coppell PKB LLC, and being represented by Lindsey Mayer, Dynamic Engineering Consultants, PC.   Not available Not available
2025-7932 111.Special Definitions Ord. AmendmentsAgenda ItemPUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of text change amendments to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12, Article 42, Special Definitions, to add definitions for “showroom”, “warehouse”, “distribution center”, “fulfillment center”, and “retail center”; and, to amend Article 25, Light Industrial District, of said chapter to add said new definitions to permitted uses; and, to amend Article 31 of said chapter to allow conversion of dock areas to additional parking, to allow “warehouse”, “distribution center” and “fulfillment center” as defined herein to require not less than one (1) parking space per 2,000 square feet, “showroom” as defined herein to require not less than one (1) parking space per 1,000 square feet; to allow the Director of Community Development to approve up to a 10% reduction in parking required for retail centers with buildings greater than 10,000 square feet.   Not available Not available
2025-7934 112.Charity House Ord. AmendmentAgenda ItemConsider approval of an Ordinance amending Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances by amending Chapter 9 ‘General Regulations’, to add Article 9-30, Charity House or Transitional Housing; providing for regulations for the registration and use of charity or transitional housing; providing for definitions; providing for inspections; providing for restrictions; providing for neighborhood notification; providing for violations and penalties; providing fees; providing a repealing clause; providing a severability clause; providing a savings clause; providing for an effective date; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.   Not available Not available
2025-7936 1 CC Com ReportsAgenda ItemReport on Metrocrest Services - Councilmember Biju Mathew   Not available Not available